You’ve fallen in love, it’s the right time for you both, and you’re ready to tie the knot. But how should you go about popping the big question? Is proposing at home better than doing it in public? If you opt for the latter, what’s the best place? A park? Party? Restaurant? The answer, of course, depends on your situation, preferences, and location. But to help you sort through the possibilities, today, we’re breaking down the details of a public dinner proposal and laying out 11 critical things to consider.  For example, when is the best time to propose? Should you do it before or after the food arrives or right in the middle of cutting into your steak? Let’s dive in to find out!

Proposing at a Restaurant

Proposing at a restaurant is a tried and true tradition. After all, an intimate, candlelit dinner has been a romantic mainstay. And yes, it may be cliche — but that doesn’t make it any less lovely.. However, before you set your plans in stone, make sure to consider several things about proposing at a restaurant. For example:

Is the place super noisy or crowded? A proposal where sweaty people are bumping into you and being loud may not be ideal — unless, of course, that’s your thing. In which case, gather ye strangers! Does it hold a special place in your hearts? The best proposals are meaningful ones. Is the setting romantic? Linoleum floors and diner booths don’t scream romance. Choose a candlelit, cozy setting in a restaurant that is charming or elegant. Is the cuisine good? You don’t want your memory of the proposal night to include a disappointing meal. Is it isolated or around other venues? After all, you may want to continue the celebration if everything goes according to plan.

Should I Propose Before or After Dinner? 11 Critical Things to Consider

The big question people usually have when planning a restaurant proposal is, ”When should I propose — before or after the meal?” We’ve considered the issue down to its last detail and come up with 11 considerations.

1. Attention From Other People

If you’re planning on asking the big question at a restaurant, think about the amount of attention you’ll get. Do you want the whole place to witness the moment?  Give this considerable thought, though, because the location is a proposal’s foundation. Do you want it to be public, semi-public, or private? Will you need permits? Get your ducks in a row!

2. The Table Selection

Table selection ties in with the amount of attention you’re seeking. If you plan to get down on one knee, coordinating with the restaurant may be necessary. When it comes down to it, you don’t want the table in the middle of the room if you’re not in the market for eyeballs! Maybe you do want to be the center of attention for the evening. That’s perfectly acceptable! No rule says everyone must be private and humble. The world would be pretty dull if that were the case. But whichever you choose, plan accordingly — and make sure to look both ways before dropping down on your knee. You don’t want to cut off a server and send a tray of food flying through the air!

3. Presentation of a Ring

OK, we’re about to get incredibly shallow and superficial — so brace yourself. For better or worse, material pursuits matter to many people. Sure, jewels and gems may not mean bupkis to you and your partner, but they do to other people. Why are we pointing this out? Well, if you chose to propose in the middle of a restaurant, with all eyes on you, expect strangers to waltz over and ask to “see the ring.” Also, expect people to wear snarky expressions on their faces if it’s not a rock. If you don’t want that subtle, shallow shade to mar your special event, think twice about popping the question in public. It stinks, but other people have the power to ruin a lovely event by flinging judgment around.

4. Timing of the Meal

When should you propose when popping the question at a restaurant? It’s a common question, and one of the primary considerations is the food. If you want to savor your meal, waiting till the end may be the best option. After you spring the question, your partner may be too excited to eat! On the flip side, if you ask sooner rather than later, the meal can be a celebration.

5. How Nervous You Are

Are you a ball of nerves about the proposal? Are you going to be a sweaty, stammering mess throughout dinner if you wait till dessert to do the deed? Would it make more sense to get the nervousness out of the way first and just ask? Be honest with yourself about how cool, calm, and collected you can be.

6. The Presence of Friends and Family

Increasingly, people include their friends and family in proposals. Sometimes, they play a supporting role. Other times, they pop out after the deed is done and help the couple celebrate. If you want to include everybody, make sure there’s room!

7. Suitability of the Restaurant

Is the restaurant where you’re planning to pop the question ideal for the event? Is it busy? Can you coordinate with the staff to make it extra special? Is there a bar and lounge to continue the celebration afterward? Think about the logistics of your proposal carefully. Do a mental walk-through of the evening and consider if the venue will work well, practically speaking.

8. Plans for an After-Party 

Engagements are a big deal, and there’s a good chance you’ll want to celebrate the occasion — especially if it’s a surprise. So think about the whole evening, not just the dinner portion. Moreover, if you plan to continue the party at another location, make sure you have a designated driver or car-service app ready to go!

9. Your Personality 

Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Do you break out in cold sweats at the first hint of nervousness? If so, factor in that consideration and ask yourself if a public engagement — involving food and drink — is what’s best for you.

10. Your Partner’s Personality

Your partner’s personality must be the top priority. If they’re the wallflower of the relationship and you’re the P.T. Barnum, defer to their sensibilities. The person on the receiving end of the proposal is the star of the moment!

11. The Possibility of Rejection

If you haven’t spoken about marriage before, and you’re unsure if your partner will say yes, you must plan for the possibility of rejection! Play it out in your head. If you order the food, then propose, and they say no, what then? The last thing you’ll want to do is sit through a meal under those circumstances!

Dinner Proposal Ideas

We’ve gone over things to consider when planning a restaurant proposal. Now, let’s get to the mechanics of how.

Ring in the Food

No matter what, don’t put the ring in the food. Whoever came up with the idea was, quite bluntly, trippin’. First of all, nobody wants food gunk all over their ring. It’s gross. Second of all, burying a gem in food can scratch it! Third of all, choking accidents happen. Trust us: let this idea go the way of the dinosaur. Nobody wants it; it’s not cute, and you won’t get the reaction you want. The only exception to this might be putting the ring in a glass of champagne. It’s elegant, but still, there’s the possibility she might get it in her mouth.

Ring on the Dessert Plate

Coordinate with the chef to have the question, “Will you marry me?” swirled on top of a small dessert cake or even on the plate itself. The small box with the ring can sit on the plate as well.  It’s a beautiful and sweet way to end the dinner and pop the question.

Ring in a Box

What you can do, however, is have the ring delivered like it’s a course of the meal. If you go this route, pick a restaurant that uses silver cloches for extra impact.

Traditional Proposal

Getting down on one knee still works. It may sound boring to some, but traditions are lovely to others. Many dreams involve bending the knee, so deliver the fantasy!

Bring in the Band

Are you thinking about hiring musicians to provide a soundtrack for the big event? Just make sure the restaurant can accommodate the extra guests and accompanying noise. Moreover, remember that bringing in a band invites a lot of attention. 115 Compliments For Your Man To Make Him Feel Special 115 Of The Best Love Messages For Your Wife 159 Romantic Things To Do With the One You Love

Bring in the Whole Crew

Elaborate, flash-mob proposals are popular among a certain set. If that’s your jam, renting out an entire restaurant is ideal. And think, after it’s done, you can either have the whole place to yourself or bring in friends and family for a huge party! 

Common Questions about Proposing at Dinner

You’re planning a restaurant proposal and have questions. So let’s get them answered!

What Is a Good Time to Propose?

Should you propose before or after the main meal? Honestly, it depends on the personalities of you and your partner. However, conventional wisdom says the type of restaurant dictates the proposal time. If you’re at a nice-but-normal spot, propose before and use the meal as a celebration. If you’re at a fancy place, wait till the end.

Is It OK to Propose at Night?

Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to propose at night. In fact, most people who go the restaurant route do just that, and many folks consider nighttime proposals to be more romantic. However, doing it outside may not be the best for safety and visibility reasons.

When Should You Propose at Dinner?

The timing of your dinner proposal is situationally dependent. But here’s one hard and fast rule: if you aren’t sure of a positive response, think about the potential awkwardness. Sure, you could just get up and leave — but not until you’ve paid the bill.

What Knee Are You Supposed to Propose On?

The down-on-one-knee proposal tradition is rooted in chivalric code — aka, knights. As such, when asking for someone’s hand in marriage, it’s conventional to put your left knee on the ground, with the ring in your left hand, which leaves your right hand to open the box.

What Should You Not Do When Proposing?

We’ve already discussed the ring-in-food faux pas — and cannot stress enough how this should, in the words of Taylor Swift, “never-ever-ever” happen! Here’s a list of five more no-nos.

Copy: Unless your partner has indicated they want a certain type of proposal that’s the same as someone in your group, don’t copy your friends. Proposals should be unique and special! Get Jewels First: Materialistic or not, jewelry is a big part of the proposal. Unless you know your partner doesn’t care, don’t pop the question without one. If you want to get creative with the type of jewelry, we can talk. For example, more and more people are opting for colored gemstones instead of diamonds. But again, find out if your partner is OK with that beforehand! Don’t Involve the Family Four Paw: Yes, we love our four-legged family members beyond any sense of reasonable comprehension. Heck, sometimes we love them more than the other humans in our lives. But leave them out of the ring-giving part of your proposal. Too many things can go wrong. It invites catastrophe. Don’t Blabber: If you want the proposal to be a surprise, then don’t tell the world! Only include people needed to pull it off. Don’t Dress Down: Someone will take pictures and videos. So don’t neglect your look!

Planning the perfect proposal is a lot of fun. But remember that life is unpredictable. Unexpected hurdles tend to pop up at the least opportune moments. So if a snafu foils your proposal, go with the flow! It’ll be a great story to tell your grandkids. We hope you found our advice on how to propose in a restaurant helpful. Now get out there and get engaged, you love-struck fool!      

Should You Propose Before or After Dinner  11 Big Considerations - 98Should You Propose Before or After Dinner  11 Big Considerations - 87Should You Propose Before or After Dinner  11 Big Considerations - 88Should You Propose Before or After Dinner  11 Big Considerations - 42