The best part is that these activities can be done indoors and outdoors, making them perfect for all weather conditions. This blog post covers a huge list of 300 Thanksgiving activities for kids and school students of all grades from toddlers, infants, preschoolers, and kindergarten to those who are between 1-10 years old children. Make use of these activities to get your kids, family and students excited for the holiday season!

300 Thanksgiving activities for kids

The following is a list of Kids activities for thanksgiving:

1. Gratitude tree activity

In order to enjoy the good things in life, it’s important to be grateful for them. That’s why we recommend doing a gratitude tree activity together as a family. All you need is a bunch of sticks, some paper, and a marker. Write down everything that the family is grateful for, from the smallest things to the biggest achievements. The kids will love seeing their list grow, and they will learn to take pleasure in the simple things in life.

2. Pumpkin Painting

Pumpkin painting is an amazing autumn activity that is perfect for families. All you need is some pumpkins, some paint, and a big canvas. Start by cutting the top off of the pumpkins, then use an orange or brown paint to paint the insides of the pumpkins. Once the pumpkins are painted, put them on your canvas and let the kids go to town! They can use different brushes, colors, and patterns to create some beautiful artwork.

3. Fall Harvesting

Fall is a time of harvest, and what better way to celebrate than by spending some time picking apples, grapes, or whatever else is in season. Kids love to help out in the harvest, and they will be thrilled when they get to bring home some delicious produce. It’s also a great activity to do together as a family, giving everyone a chance to get involved and learn about where their food comes from.

4. Spooky Halloween Crafts

Halloween is one of the most fun holidays of the year, and it’s also a great time to teach kids about the history of the holiday. Create some spooky crafts like pumpkin decor, witches’ hats, or even ghost stories. Kids will love getting involved in the fun and making something special for their homes.

5. Fall Tree House

Building a tree house is a great way to get kids excited about the upcoming autumn season. All you need is a few pieces of wood and some nails. Start by cutting a piece of wood that is about 24 inches wide and 36 inches long. Then, drill a few holes in the wood, and attach the wood to a sturdy tree using screws. Once the tree house is attached, cut a hole in the top so the kids can get inside. Add some leaves, twigs, and moss to make the tree house look like a real tree. Also read: 300+ Thanksgiving activities that are sure to get you in the holiday spirit (2022 Edition)

Creative Thanksgiving kid activities

Here is a list of creative thanksgiving kid activities:

  1. Thanksgiving coloring pages: Print out some Thanksgiving coloring pages and have the kids color them while they listen to some Thanksgiving stories.
  2. Thanksgiving story time: Have a Thanksgiving story time with your kids. Get them in the mood by reading some Thanksgiving stories beforehand.
  3. Thanksgiving craft: Make a Thanksgiving craft like a Thanksgiving turkey, a Thanksgiving pie, or a Thanksgiving diorama.
  4. Thanksgiving recipe contest: Have a Thanksgiving recipe contest with your kids. Whoever makes the best Thanksgiving dish wins!
  5. Thanksgiving scavenger hunt: Have a Thanksgiving scavenger hunt with your kids. This is a fun way to get them to use their brains and have some fun at the same time.
  6. Thanksgiving word search: Have a Thanksgiving word search with your kids. This is a fun way to challenge their vocabulary and have some fun at the same time.
  7. Thanksgiving finger painting: Let the kids have some fun painting Thanksgiving pictures with their fingers while they listen to some Thanksgiving stories.
  8. Thanksgiving playdate: Have a Thanksgiving playdate with your kids. This is a great way to get them to socialize and have some fun at the same time.
  9. Thanksgiving family game night: Have a Thanksgiving family game night with your kids. This is a great way to get them to spend some quality time together and have some fun.
  10. Thanksgiving baking contest: Have a Thanksgiving baking contest with your kids. Whoever makes the best Thanksgiving dessert wins!

Thanksgiving activities for preschoolers

Here are some Preschool thanksgiving activities for kids:

1. Create a bubble painting

Pour a pot of hot water into a large bowl and add a few drops of dish soap. Hand your preschooler a bowl of small plastic cups and ask them to fill each cup with water. Place the cups in the water and watch as the bubbles form and grow. You can also use a drinking straw to blow into the mixture to create a lot of bubbles so they rise above the bowl. Encourage your child to use their fingers to create interesting designs on the surface of the bubbles. When the bubbles have faded, use a brush to clean the painting surface.

2. Play I spy with colors

This is a fun activity that can be done indoors or outdoors. Line a large area with brightly-colored sheets, pillows, or blankets. Give your preschooler a small container of different colors of paint and ask them to find all the objects in the room that match one of the colors in their paint container. This could be things like furniture, curtains, or toys. When they’ve found all the objects, ask them to show you what color they used on each object. This is a great way to help your child learn about colors and how to identify them.

3. Make a Thanksgiving craft

One of the best ways to teach children about Thanksgiving is to involve them in the crafting process. This can be as simple as making a turkey ornament out of pipe cleaners or as complicated as making a Thanksgiving cake from scratch. Let your child choose the project and help them find the materials they need. This is a great way to encourage creativity and independence in your preschooler.

4. Fly a kite

This is a classic Thanksgiving activity that can be enjoyed by both young and old. Get your kite flying supplies ready and let your preschooler have it. They can choose the colors and design of their kite, or you can help them choose something simple like a traditional Thanksgiving kite. When the kite is ready, have your child fly it in the sky and enjoy the sights and sounds of the wind catching it and carrying it away.

5. Make a Thanksgiving basket

This is a fun and easy craft that your preschooler can do on their own. Get a large basket and fill it with items like candy, cookies, toys, and other small gifts. Let your child choose the items they want to put in their basket and encourage them to think of different things they can put in there to make it special. This is a great way to teach your child about gift-giving and how to put together a special basket for someone else. Also read: 150 Thanksgiving activities for preschoolers (Fun, science, math, art, writing, reading, learning skills)

Thanksgiving activities for elementary students

Here is a list of Fun thanksgiving activities for elementary students:

1. Draw a Thanksgiving turkey on a chalkboard

The kids will love this fun Thanksgiving activity! Get a large piece of chalkboard and draw a Thanksgiving turkey on it. Have the kids help you write down what they think are the key features of a turkey. This could include things like a big gob of stuffing, a bright red neck, a big yellow beak, etc. Once they’ve got a good idea of what a turkey looks like, let them start drawing on the chalkboard. They can draw feathers, turkeys walking around, and so on. Give your elementary students a large piece of white chalk and ask them to draw a Thanksgiving turkey on the board. They can use different colors to make the feathers on the turkey’s head, body, and feet. They can also use different colors to create the turkey’s tail feathers. This is a great way to get the kids excited about Thanksgiving and help them learn some basic art skills.

2. Make a Thanksgiving flag

This is another super easy Thanksgiving activity for elementary students. All you need is some white paper, a pencil, and some scissors. Have the kids cut out a flag (or any other shape) out of white paper. Then, have them write the names of the food items on the flag. Once they’ve finished, have them hang the flag up in the classroom or hallway. This is a great way to get the kids excited about Thanksgiving and help them learn some basic writing skills.

3. Make art with pinecones

There’s nothing better than spending Thanksgiving Day artfully creating beautiful pieces with pinecones. All you need are some pinecones, some water, and some paint. Simply fill a pot with water and place the pinecones in it. Then, paint the pinecones using different colors of paint. Once the paint is dry, take the pinecones out of the pot and let the kids have fun displaying their art in the classroom or hallway.

4. Create a turkey using Building blocks and bricks

The building block is the most common block game that kids love to play. So, why not use this classic toy to create a Thanksgiving turkey? All you need is some blocks with different colors and some imagination. Start by creating a big yellow block for the beak. Then, have the kids put the blocks together to create a turkey body. They can use different colors of blocks to create the feathers on the turkey’s body. Once they’ve finished, they can paint the turkey’s red neck and green tail feathers. This is a great way to get the kids excited about Thanksgiving and help them learn some basic construction skills.

Thanksgiving school activities

Here is a list of School thanksgiving activities for students:

  1. Make a map of thanksgiving foods
  2. Map the pilgrims’ journey from England to America
  3. Play 21 questions using only things that they are thankful for
  4. Brainstorm what words you can use to describe being thankful
  5. Use different colors and textures of construction paper to make a picture that is an expression of your thankfulness
  6. Tell about something in your life you are thankful for and illustrate it with drawings or paintings
  7. Draw a self-portrait and write down all the things that make you happy
  8. Draw what family time looks like in your house during Thanksgiving, including who’s there and what everyone is doing
  9. Write out three ways you have been grateful this week
  10. Write a letter to someone thanking them for making an impact on your life.

Thanksgiving activities for kindergarten

These are a few Easy and fun Kindergarten thanksgiving activities educational and literacy related:

  1. Cut out shapes that represent how you feel on Thanksgiving (happy, sad, thankful) and glue them onto different backgrounds (white piece of paper, brown piece of construction paper)
  2. Create a collage with pictures and quotes of things you’re thankful for
  3. Make gratitude cards to send to people you are thankful for or have helped you this year.
  4. Write what the turkey would say if it could talk in a creative story
  5. Make family trees using string and colored pencils
  6. Write a list of all the people who help make Thanksgiving dinner possible
  7. Draw a picture of your favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner
  8. Color in turkeys using geometric shapes
  9. Draw turkeys using crayons.
  10. Create one sentence about why each food is served at Thanksgiving

Best Thanksgiving activities for toddlers and babies

This is a list of Fun and Easy Toddler thanksgiving activities to do (crafts and arts):

  1. Feed the turkey: Give your child a plate of food that you would put on the Thanksgiving table and have them feed it to their toy turkey. Put them in charge of cutting up their food too!
  2. What’s under the towel? Hide an object (like a crayon or cookie) under a towel and let your toddler see what they think it is. When they pick it up say, What do you think this is? Then take the object away from them and tell them what it really was before letting them feel around for it with their hands again.
  3. Thanksgiving collage: Take pictures of things that are special to you from last year’s Thanksgiving dinner with your family.
  4. Gather your children around the phone or tablet and find images of turkeys online.
  5. Print out a picture, laminate it if possible, then use stickers to decorate it any way they like.
  6. Visit the local library for a story time about Thanksgiving
  7. Get some scraps of fabric and glue/tape some feathers to them to make a feather boa or hairpiece;
  8. Ask your kids what they’re thankful for
  9. Glue gold stars onto construction paper to create a starry night sky background. Also read: 100+ Thanksgiving trivia questions and answers for all ages (ultimate game edition for family)

Infant thanksgiving activities

Here are some best Thanksgiving activities for infants:

  1. Marshmallow Painting Art: For some fun painting, fill up a container with marshmallows and offer the baby one or two to paint with! The soft texture will make it easy for them to use their hands and get the feeling of painting that they may not be able to get with just paper.
  2. Dress-Up your toddler as a Turkey: Grab an old piece of fabric and tie it around the toddler’s head like a turban. Next, take any leftover material and create little wings out of it by tying each end on opposite sides of the turban. Place this on top of the turban so that you have full turkey wings sticking out from either side. Add in any desired adornments such as feathers, ribbon scraps or pom-poms by attaching them to the wings (either poking through with a needle or using glue).
  3. Apple Ball Toss: This is a great activity for gross motor skills, but also can be used to promote eye hand coordination. Get an apple ball which has had all its spikes removed. Then toss it back and forth between partners who are standing three feet apart. If someone misses the catch then they must turn around and pick up the apple ball before continuing play.
  4. Pile o’ Pumpkins: Fill a pumpkin shell with uncooked rice and let the babies dig for treasure.
  5. Sugar Cookies: When making sugar cookies, allow toddlers to press down hard with his/her thumbs when adding frosting to cookie tops so they can feel what it is like when rolling dough into cookie shapes

Thanksgiving activities for 1 year olds

Here is a list of thanksgiving activities for 1 year olds:

  1. Fill a small bowl with autumn leaves and let your child explore them.
  2. Create a sensory play area with different types of leaves, branches, and flowers.
  3. Give your child a leaf to feel, a branch to touch, and a flower to smell.
  4. Encourage your child to explore the area of the Thanksgiving dinner table and ask them what they notice.
  5. Play games like “I Spy” where your child has to find specific objects in the area.
  6. Thanksgiving story time: read a Thanksgiving story together, make a Thanksgiving game, etc.
  7. Thanksgiving coloring book: choose a Thanksgiving-themed coloring book to share with your 1 year old.
  8. Thanksgiving Jigsaw Puzzle: find a Thanksgiving-themed jigsaw puzzle to complete together.
  9. Thanksgiving finger painting: create a Thanksgiving painting with your 1 year old.
  10. Thanksgiving tracing: trace a Thanksgiving turkey or other festive image with your 1 year old. Also read: 350 Things to do on thanksgiving day or weekend (2022 fun thanksgiving activities)

Thanksgiving activities for 2 year olds

These are some of the good thanksgiving activities for 2 year olds:

  1. Craft a pilgrim sign by cutting a hole in the top of a construction paper cone and then folding the top half of the cone over the hole.
  2. Tear up some old magazines into small pieces and use them to make Thanksgiving tablecloth scraps.
  3. Paint small pumpkins with different colors and then write out Thanksgiving messages on them.
  4. Make a Thanksgiving wreath out of colorful tissue paper.
  5. Make a simple Thanksgiving flag out of some colorful paper strips.
  6. Make a Thanksgiving playdoh scene with your child and some friends.
  7. Make a Thanksgiving jigsaw puzzle.
  8. Thanksgiving finger play: have your 2 year old play various Thanksgiving finger games.
  9. Thanksgiving songs: listen to some Thanksgiving songs together to celebrate the holiday.

Thanksgiving activities for 3 year olds

Here are a few thanksgiving activities for 3 year olds:

  1. Draw a Thanksgiving picture with your child.
  2. Make a Thanksgiving Turkey costume for your child.
  3. You can make a turkey by tearing off strips of construction paper and connecting them with other strips to form the outline of the shape.
  4. You can create a bird’s nest by gluing together pieces of construction paper to form the shape and then stuffing it with paper feathers from ripped up pieces of paper towels or construction paper.
  5. You can make toy food items by folding a sheet of construction paper in half lengthwise and taping the inside fold to make it stay in place.
  6. Thanksgiving sticker activity: put Thanksgiving stickers all around the house to celebrate!
  7. Thanksgiving activity kit: create a Thanksgiving activity kit to keep your 3 year old entertained.

Thanksgiving activities for 4 year olds

Here is a list of thanksgiving activities for 4 year olds:

  1. You can make a turkey by tearing off strips of construction paper and connecting them with other strips to form the outline of the shape.
  2. You can create a bird’s nest by gluing together pieces of construction paper to form the shape and then stuffing it with paper feathers from ripped up pieces of paper towels or construction paper.
  3. You can make a pilgrim hat by folding a sheet of construction paper in half lengthwise and taping the inside fold to make it stay in place.
  4. Craft a pilgrim sign by cutting a hole in the top of a construction paper cone and then folding the top half of the cone over the hole.
  5. Tear up some old magazines into small pieces and use them to make Thanksgiving tablecloth scraps.

Thanksgiving activities for 10 year olds

The following are some thanksgiving activities for 10 year olds:

  1. Visit a thrift store: Thrift stores are a great place to find holiday gifts for friends and family. Not only do they have a great selection of items, but they’re also a great place to find unique and affordable items.
  2. Go out for dinner: If you’re looking for something a little more festive than a turkey dinner, consider going out for dinner. There are a lot of great restaurants open on Thanksgiving weekend, so you can find something to fit everyone’s taste.
  3. Visit a historical site: Many historical sites are open on Thanksgiving weekend, so it’s a great opportunity to explore some of the area’s history. If you’re in the mood for a bit of a hike, consider visiting a historic site like Independence Hall or the White House.
  4. Go shopping for holiday gifts: If you’re looking for a little extra help in finding the perfect gift for your friends and family, consider shopping for holiday gifts at a store like Target or Walmart. They have a great selection of gifts, and they’re always happy to help you find the perfect thing for everyone on your list.
  5. Bake a pie: One of the best things about Thanksgiving is the food. Why not make a pie and celebrate with your family and friends? There are a lot of great pie recipes out there, so you can find something that everyone will love.

Classroom thanksgiving activities

Here is a list of Activities for thanksgiving in the classroom:

  1. Hand out a sheet of paper with a list of thanksgiving questions for the class to answer.
  2. String onto popsicle sticks to make turkey legs.
  3. Trace a pumpkin shape on a piece of paper and cut it out. Draw facial features on the small pumpkin using markers, crayons, or paint.
  4. Have students research and write about different aspects of Thanksgiving celebrations around the world.
  5. Make a Thanksgiving bulletin board and post photos, recipes, and holiday trivia. 6.  Have students create their own Thanksgiving greeting cards.
  6. Have students make pilgrimages to various Thanksgiving destinations around town.
  7. Have students participate in a Thanksgiving spelling bee.
  8. Have students make a Thanksgiving coloring book.
  9. Ask students to send handwritten thanksgiving greeting cards to their random relatives via postcards or envelopes.

Science thanksgiving activities

These are a few Thanksgiving science activities:

  1. Turkey-turkey-duck droppings experiment: Let students explore what droppings from different types of birds look like. Have them collect droppings from a turkey, a duck, and a chicken, and then compare and contrast the shapes and colors of the droppings.
  2. A Thanksgiving science mystery: Have students create a mystery about what happened on Thanksgiving Day in the past. Write down a list of all the facts they know, and then have them create a story in which one of the family members is missing and has to be found.
  3. Pumpkin pie experiment: Let students compare the different types of pumpkin pies to see which is the best. Have them make pie recipes using pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie filling, and pumpkin pie crusts from scratch.
  4. Thanksgiving science facts: Have students study the different types of trees that are commonly used to make Thanksgiving dinner tables. Have them learn about the different types of fruits that are used to make pies, and research the different types of vegetables that are used in various dishes.
  5. Cola and ice cream experiment: The colder it gets outside, the more people tend to drink cola and ice cream. Have students make their own cola and ice cream using different ratios of sugar to water. They can also experiment with different flavors of cola and ice cream.

Math thanksgiving activities

Here is a list of Thanksgiving math activities for kindergarten, middle school and other grade kids:

  1. Write out the number 26 using Thanksgiving symbols
  2. Draw a Thanksgiving pie chart to show how many slices of pie each student gets at their Thanksgiving dinner
  3. List 5 foods that you’re thankful for
  4. Write down 3 words that rhyme with turkey. Now, write down 5 words that don’t rhyme with turkey but start with a similar sounding letter
  5. Draw a Thanksgiving shopping list to help the family shop for their Thanksgiving dinner
  6. Draw a Thanksgiving dinner table to show how many people will be at the dinner table
  7. Draw a Thanksgiving Turkey picture to show how many pounds of turkey will be at the dinner table
  8. Measure and write out the ingredients for a Thanksgiving turkey dish
  9. Give five different ways you can count from 1-20 on your fingers
  10. Guess which number someone is thinking of by giving them clues about what it might be.

Thanksgiving art activities

Here are some Thanksgiving art activities for infants, kindergarten and middle school students:

  1. Draw a Thanksgiving dinner table with all of the food and drinks that will be served.
  2. Draw a Thanksgiving turkey on some tracing paper and then cut it out.
  3. Draw a Thanksgiving storybook character and then paint them with different colors.
  4. Craft a Thanksgiving centerpiece out of brightly colored leaves or berries.
  5. Sketch a Thanksgiving parade on some paper and then color in the characters.
  6. Paint your own Thanksgiving turkey plate or bowl.
  7. Make a Thanksgiving banner using a favorite Thanksgiving story or picture.
  8. Draw teddy bears and place them around a Thanksgiving table to represent the pilgrims.
  9. Create a Thanksgiving diorama using various Thanksgiving food items and figures.
  10. Draw and write a Thanksgiving story about a special day at the dinner table with your family and friends.

Thanksgiving stem activities

Here is a list of Thanksgiving stem activities for kindergarten:

  1. Paint pumpkins with different Thanksgiving colors.
  2. Make a Thanksgiving wreath out of straws, fruits, and vegetables.
  3. Cut out Thanksgiving pictures from magazines and paste them on to construction paper.
  4. Create a Thanksgiving storyboard using pictures, words, and a Thanksgiving character.
  5. Make a Thanksgiving feast out of food items like pies, puddings, and salads.
  6. Have your child tell you about their favorite part of Thanksgiving.
  7. Make a Thanksgiving pie out of different types of pies crusts.
  8. Make a Thanksgiving cake out of different types of cake mixes.
  9. Decorate a Thanksgiving table using pumpkins, gourds, and leaves.
  10. Play “Turkey in the Straw” using small plastic animals.

Thanksgiving things to draw

These are a few thanksgiving things to draw:

  1. Draw a Thanksgiving table with all of the different foods that will be served.
  2. Draw pictures of all the food items on the table.
  3. Draw all of the family members around the table.
  4. Draw the setting outside of the Thanksgiving dinner table.
  5. Draw different Thanksgiving decorations around the house.
  6. Draw a Thanksgiving story about how the family got together for dinner.
  7. Let your child color in all of the different elements of the Thanksgiving story.
  8. Have your child create a Thanksgiving art project involving the different food items.
  9. Have your child make a Thanksgiving dinner for their family using their art.
  10. Have your child make a Thanksgiving wishing tree using leaves, branches, and flowers.

Thanksgiving writing activities

Here is a list of Thanksgiving writing activities for kindergarten and middle school students:

  1. Let your child illustrate their writing with drawings or stickers.
  2. Have your child read their writing aloud to family and friends.
  3. Encourage your child to write about the different Thanksgiving recipes they ate.
  4. Have your child write a thank-you letter to family and friends.
  5. Write about what you would do on Thanksgiving if you were a Turkey.
  6. Inspire your child to write a Thanksgiving poem of their own.
  7. Write a story about an autumn day where the leaves fall away and the trees become bare.

Thanksgiving activities for students in middle school

The following is a list of Fun Thanksgiving activities for middle school:

  1. Prepare a Thanksgiving tablecloth by cutting out a leaf design from some fabric and hemming it in the middle.
  2. Talk about the different types of thanksgiving traditions and how did they originate.
  3. Encourage your child to make a fall-themed artwork.
  4. Let your child put the homemade ingredients in different foods to see how they taste.
  5. Have your child write about the different colors they saw while playing.
  6. Do a “what if” story where you play the part of an autumn leaf on Thanksgiving.
  7. Create a Thanksgiving spirit craft.
  8. Fill a small bowl with different sized pumpkin seeds and have your child shake them to see how many fall out.
  9. Have your child count the number of seeds in a small bowl and then in a larger bowl.
  10. Have your child write about what they saw while playing.

Speech therapy thanksgiving activities

Here is a list of Therapeutic and speech therapy thanksgiving activities for all ages:

  1. Labeling Family Members: Display the pictures of your family members on the floor.  Take a few steps back and then have your child toss a beanbag onto the pictures.  Whichever picture the beanbag lands on is the one your child has to name.
  2. Counting out loud: Have your child stand in front of you and then have them say a number out loud for the each step they take towards you. After they finish, have them turn around and say the next number. Keep going like this until you get to 20.
  3. Food matching: Have your child take a piece of food and then have them put it in their mouth. Next, have them say the name of the food. For example, if they take a piece of apple, they would say “apple.”
  4. Taking turns: Have your child sit in a chair and then have someone else sit in the other chair. Next, have them say a word. For instance, if someone sitting in the other chair says “cat,” then the person sitting in the chair first would say “dog” and then “cat.”
  5. Making predictions: Have your child close their eyes and then have them say a word. For instance, if they say “ball,” you would then ask them what they think the next word will be.

Thanksgiving activities for high school students

Here are some Fun Junior High school thanksgiving activities for students:

  1. Read a book called Turkey Trouble by Trinka Hakes Noble
  2. Play pin the feather on the turkey
  3. Sing carols like I’m Thankful or I Am Thankful by Faith Hill
  4. Write down something you are thankful for
  5. Decorate a pumpkin with paint and glitter
  6. Create a collage of things that make you happy
  7. Play games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Candy Land, or Bingo

Twas the night before thanksgiving activities

Here is a list of twas the night before thanksgiving activities:

  1. Create a Thanksgiving table with a placemat, plates, and cups.
  2. Have them make a turkey out of leaves, branches, and flowers.
  3. Let them eat their turkey in different ways: with a fork, with their hands, and with a spoon.
  4. Talk about what happened at Thanksgiving and what food was eaten.
  5. Write about what your child observed and what they learned.
  6. Make a Thanksgiving storybook with pictures and text about the day.
  7. Have your child act out different parts of the story.
  8. Give your child a turkey costume to wear and have them role play different parts of the day.
  9. Have them make a Thanksgiving feast with different foods.
  10. Have them decorate a Thanksgiving tree with leaves, branches, and flowers.

Thanksgiving reading activities

Here are some more Thanksgiving reading activities for kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and all other high school grade students:

  1. Give your child a book about Thanksgiving and have them read it together.
  2. Encourage your child to read about the different traditions associated with Thanksgiving.
  3. Read together about what Thanksgiving dinner might look like.
  4. Participate in Thanksgiving trivia.
  5. Read a story about a pilgrim who visited America on Thanksgiving Day.
  6. Read a story about a family who celebrates Thanksgiving in a different way.
  7. Let your child read a Thanksgiving dinner menu.
  8. Encourage your kid to read the list of ingredients and decide what they would like to make for dinner.
  9. Give your child a copy of the official Thanksgiving proclamation.
  10. Let your child search for thanksgiving craft in online and read the step by step instructions and encourage them to make their own thanksgiving craft.

School age thanksgiving activities ideas

These are some Thanksgiving activities for school age:

  1. Draw a family portrait.
  2. Make a Thanksgiving feast.
  3. Make a science experiment.
  4. Create a Thanksgiving decoration.
  5. Make a Thanksgiving card.
  6. Create Thanksgiving stories.
  7. Design a Thanksgiving game.
  8. Make a Thanksgiving quilt.
  9. Make a Thanksgiving basket.
  10. Write a Thanksgiving thankful letter.

Thanksgiving activities for first grade

Here is a list of First grade thanksgiving activities:

  1. Create a Thanksgiving themed sensory bin.
  2. Give your 1st grade student small leaves, stems, and flowers to decorate the bin.
  3. Display the traditional art on Thanksgiving day and let your child explore it.
  4. Play games like “I Spy” where your child has to find specific objects in the bin.
  5. Talk about the different types of leaves, stems, and flowers and what they can do.
  6. Make a Thanksgiving themed nature chart and have your child identify different plants throughout the week.
  7. Draw a Thanksgiving themed unity in diversity across the world to color chart.
  8. Have your child write about the different Thanksgiving celebrations they have participated in.
  9. Play “Turkey in the Straw” with leaves, stems, and flowers.
  10. Have your child make a Thanksgiving centerpiece out of cardboards, tinfoil, straws, and leaves.

Second grade thanksgiving activities

These are some Thanksgiving activities for 2nd grade:

  1. Draw a turkey and label parts on the diagram: head, neck, wings, body, legs.
  2. Write two sentences about your favorite thing to eat during Thanksgiving dinner: I like the pumpkin pie best because it has a lot of spices in it that give it a nice flavor!
  3. Pick five words from this list and then use each word in a sentence: cranberry sauce _______ stuffing _______ mashed potatoes _________ yams ________ gravy ________
  4. Create a collage with pictures and drawings depicting what Thanksgiving means to you.
  5. Craft simple pilgrim hats out of cardstock or construction paper. 

Third grade thanksgiving activities

Here is a list of Thanksgiving activities for 3rd grade :

  1. Collect some small items like candy canes, coins, or buttons and glue them to a small piece of construction paper to create a Thanksgiving decoration.
  2. Make a Thanksgiving coloring book by printing out pictures of Thanksgiving foods, decorating them with crayons, and cutting out the pictures to put in the book.
  3. Make a Thanksgiving video by making a short clip of yourself saying a Thanksgiving prayer, singing a Thanksgiving song, or telling a Thanksgiving story.
  4. Learn about Thanksgiving history by reading a Thanksgiving story, doing a Thanksgiving scavenger hunt, or making a Thanksgiving craft.
  5. Have a Thanksgiving bake sale to raise money for a charity of your choice.

Thanksgiving activities for 4th graders

These are a few Thanksgiving activities for 4th grade:

  1. Have a Thanksgiving party where everyone brings a dish to share.
  2. Make a Thanksgiving quilt or scarf to hang on the wall.
  3. Have a Thanksgiving classroom game where players have to guess what Thanksgiving dish is being served.
  4. Have a Thanksgiving treasure hunt where players have to find various Thanksgiving items hidden around the house.
  5. Write Thanksgiving thank-you cards to your favorite teachers in the school

Thanksgiving activities for 5th graders

Here is a list of Thanksgiving math activities for 5th grade:

  1. In the classroom, have students draw a Thanksgiving dinner menu (headings include: Appetizers, Main Course, and Desserts) on butcher paper.
  2. Initiate a Thanksgiving word search.
  3. Have students create Thanksgiving-themed crafts: a pilgrim hat, a turkey spoon, a Thanksgiving placemat, and a Thanksgiving banner.
  4. Have students write stories about a Thanksgiving feast.
  5. Have students make Thanksgiving treat baskets. 6.  Share your favorite Thanksgiving traditions with your classmates and get to know each other better through those shared experiences.
  6. Dine together as a class and share a Thanksgiving meal that’s reflective of your gratitude for one another.
  7. Write about your favorite Thanksgiving memory, either from this year or from any other time in your life. 9.  Develop a gratitude policy at your school or in your community, and discuss it as a class.
  8. Learn about different types of gratitude and how to practice it on a daily basis.

Thanksgiving activities for 6th graders

Here are some thanksgiving activities for 6th graders:

  1. Draw a self-portrait of how gratitude makes you feel inside with your five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch).
  2. Make a DIY gratitude journal using a spiral notebook and prompts like “What were some blessings in your life this year?” or “What were some things that made you happy this year?” And answer those questions genuinely.
  3. Sing your own gratitude song together in a group or individually.
  4. Have a conversation about gratitude on Thanksgiving day itself, centered on a particular topic or idea.
  5. Bring Thanksgiving dishes from your home and share them with each other in the classroom.

Thanksgiving activities for 7th graders

Here is a list of thanksgiving activities for 7th graders:

  1. Allow students to choose a construction project to do during their Thanksgiving break. 
  2. Have students brainstorm different ways to use their science project to improve their minds. 
  3. Have students create mind maps to help them remember what they learned. 
  4. Have students do puzzles, word games, and other activities to improve their memory skills.
  5. Craft Thanksgiving decorations using materials that improve mental skills, such as beads and beads to make bracelets, feathers and feathers to make turkey hats, and so on.

Thanksgiving activities for 8th graders

Here are some thanksgiving activities for 8th graders:

  1. Make Spooky Music Boxes: Wrap a box in black construction paper or foil, then attach spider webbing or stringy garland along the entire surface area. You could even include window clings made to look like spiders along the edges of the box too. Finally add a miniature jack-o’-lantern at one end of the box to complete your spooky music box! Tape plastic spiders onto empty boxes of raisins or cereal. These boxes provide added fun since opening them sounds different than others 2.Try to find a local cornfield and explore: Though not a traditional sensory experience, this is a great time to expose the kids to nature. One word of caution though, the cornfields may be full of bugs and other small critters. Make sure the child wears bug spray before exploring.
  2. Cornstalk Climbing: Find a long piece of twine and tie it tightly around one end of a corn stalk. Pull up on the stalk until it bends, then wrap the twine around again so that there are two loops on either side. Tie an extra piece of twine around the bottom loop to create a handle so that it’s easier for little hands to grip. Watch your little ones have endless hours of fun playing with their very own natural playground!
  3. Dance with your students to Shake Your Booty: Turn on some festive tunes and get moving! All you need is a good pair of dance shoes or sneakers (if you want to keep those feet warm) and some energy. Use songs like I’m Having A Party by Lady Antebellum or Funkytown by Lipps Inc as prompts if you can’t think of any good songs to sing along with.
  4. Create a new Thanksgiving character using clay: Roll out your favorite type of modeling clay and use cookie cutters to shape pieces into ears, eyes, noses, hats, and clothes. Once you’ve created all the parts needed for your desired character, bake in oven according to package instructions. Let cool and paint with desired colors!

Thanksgiving learning activities

Here is a list of thanksgiving learning activities for kids and everyone:

  1. Learn More about Your Heritage and Celebrate Your Ancestry 
  2. Explore Your Faith on Thanksgiving Day 
  3. Spend Time in Nature 
  4. Bake Some Thanksgiving Treats to Share with Friends, Family, and the Community 
  5. Watch a Miracle on 34th Street Film 

Online thanksgiving activities

These are some online thanksgiving activities for everyone:

  1. Participate in a thanksgiving discussion forum, such as Reddit or Quora and build relationships with people across the world.
  2. Follow your favorite bloggers and read their latest posts about thanksgiving Ideas for the celebrations.
  3. Listen to gratitude podcasts from the spiritual people.
  4. Watch educational videos about thanksgiving traditions around the world.
  5. Make a gratitude list and post it on social media or in a journal.
  6. Participate in online polls about favorite thanksgiving foods and traditions.
  7. Search for images of happy thanksgiving celebrations and print out a few to hang on your wall.

Educational thanksgiving activities

Here is a list of educational thanksgiving activities:

  1. Watch documentaries about different cultures that celebrate thanksgiving.
  2. Go on a food tour around your city or town to get a taste of different thanksgiving traditions.
  3. Paint a Thanksgiving portrait of your family or friends.
  4. Cut out Thanksgiving scenes from magazines and paste them onto cardboard to make a Thanksgiving art project.
  5. Make a Thanksgiving gift for someone special.
  6. Donate a gift to a charity.
  7. Write a thank-you note to someone who has helped you in the past.

Homeschool thanksgiving activities

The following are some homeschool thanksgiving activities:

  1. Search for interesting Thanksgiving trivia on the internet or in a book and ask your kids.
  2. Make a Thanksgiving quiz
  3. Create a Thanksgiving scavenger hunt.
  4. Craft Thanksgiving baskets.
  5. Invite neighbor kids over to your home for playing and to share a Thanksgiving dinner.
  6. Go pumpkin picking.
  7. Draw a Thankful Jar.

Thanksgiving activities for college students

Here are some Thanksgiving activities for intermediate students and college students:

  1. Spend time with family and friends.
  2. Cook a major Thanksgiving feast.
  3. Watch a football game.
  4. Shop for Thanksgiving supplies.
  5. Pre-purchase your Thanksgiving feast.
  6. Plan a themed Thanksgiving dinner.
  7. Go on a turkey hunting expedition.
  8. Attend a Thanksgiving parade.
  9. Head to the Texas State Capitol to see the Thanksgiving Day parade.
  10. Spend the night in a haunted house! Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.