However long you’ve been putting yourself out there and meeting new people — possibly with the hope of meeting the love of your life — it helps to have some ice-breakers handy. And questions like the following are less likely to get you the cold shoulder (or cold stare) than cheesy pick-up lines. If you’re looking to at least get a laugh and maybe find a new friend, these questions are hard to ignore, because they’re fun to answer. They also send the message that you’re actually interested in learning more about how their minds work. When you start with fun questions to ask someone who’s piqued your interest, you learn more about them — possibly sparking a connection. And if the conversation goes well, even if it doesn’t lead to anything long-term, you’ll both have discovered an interesting new human to talk to.

101 Funny Get to Know You Questions

Don’t wander into the social jungle without at least a few good funny questions to ask when someone catches your eye (or your ear). Enjoy the following, and save your favorites where you’ll remember them when the need arises.

Best Funny Get to Know You Questions

  1. If you were a dog, what breed would you be?
  2. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in public?
  3. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone else do?
  4. If you could rename your parents based on their personalities, what would their names be?
  5. What’s the worst hairstyle you’ve ever had?
  6. If you could eliminate any bodily function, which one would it be?
  7. If you could shift all of your fat to one part of your body, where would you move it?
  8. How would you describe the way you dance?
  9. If you were a car, which one would you be?
  10. If you could magically turn into the opposite sex, what would you look like and what would you name yourself?
  11. If you could be invisible, whose conversations would you like to overhear?
  12. What bad smell do you hate the most?
  13. Would you rather eat the hottest red pepper or have an enema and why?
  14. If you had a superpower but could only use it once a month, what would it be?
  15. If you had to choose between losing all your teeth or all your hair, which would you choose and why?
  16. If you got arrested, what would it most likely be for?
  17. What is the creepiest thing you could say to a perfect stranger?
  18. What is the best practical joke you’ve ever played on someone?
  19. Do you think you’ll still be having sex in your 80’s? Why or why not?
  20. If you had to mud wrestle with one former U.S. president, who would it be?
  21. If you were at a funeral, and the body fell out of the casket, what would you do?
  22. What is the funniest thing you’ve ever observed?

Funny Get to Know You Questions for Adults

  1. If you were a pie, what kind of pie would you be?
  2. When was the last time you did something impulsive and lived to regret it?
  3. What’s something you use every day that you would give up for a year in exchange for the bathroom never being occupied when you need it?
  4. If you had to listen to loud music every day for a year, what would you choose?
  5. If you could eat only one type of food for a year — breakfast, lunch, and dinner — what would you choose?
  6. If you could have a talking pet, what animal would you want it to be?
  7. Would you give up showering for a week to get faster internet?
  8. When was the last time you were so sleep-deprived you put something in your mouth that didn’t belong there?
  9. What do people remember most about you after meeting you for the first time?
  10. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?
  11. Choose a movie or series title for the story of your life.
  12. If you were a musical instrument, which would you be?
  13. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
  14. What are the craziest honeymoon plans you’ve ever heard?
  15. What’s the best or worst dad joke you’ve ever heard?
  16. Have you ever bought something after watching an infomercial?
  17. What word do you still have trouble remembering how to spell?
  18. What is the funniest thing you’ve seen a kid do?
  19. What’s worse — stepping barefoot on Legos or farting loudly in church?
  20. What’s your worst bug-related story?

Funny Get to Know You Questions for Work

  1. If someone brought food to work to share with everyone, what would you most like for it to be?
  2. If someone asked you to bring something to work that you made yourself, what would you bring?
  3. What’s the weirdest outfit you’ve seen at a business meeting or event?
  4. What’s the most ridiculous name you’ve ever heard for a business project?
  5. What’s the funniest or craziest thing you’ve ever witnessed in an elevator?
  6. Do we dress up for Halloween here? What’s the best costume you’ve seen?
  7. Do we ever do potlucks here? Who is the reigning potluck king or queen?
  8. If we had an annual “cosplay at work” day, what would you dress up as?
  9. What do you do every day here that you wish could be automated? 51 Powerful Getting To Know You Questions 55 Of The Best First Date Questions To Ignite Great Conversation 9 Surprising Reasons Married Men Flirt And How To Respond
  10. Whose kids sell Girl Scout cookies every year so I can get them on my good side?
  11. What’s something people here are obsessed with that you just don’t get?
  12. What do you wish we could add to the staff break room?
  13. How do you think the boss would react if we all surprised them with a flash mob?
  14. What’s something you thought you’d love but found out you didn’t?
  15. What’s something you wish was real that isn’t?
  16. What’s the most unusual perk about working here?
  17. What kind of humor is most appreciated here (puns, Far Side cartoons, etc.)
  18. Would you rather have free, unlimited espresso drinks or free cookies?
  19. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever done to cheer coworkers up on a rough day?

Funny Get to Know You Questions for Teens

  1. If you could easily buy the vehicle of your choice, what would it be?
  2. Your best friend texts you, “Very funny, jerk!” What’s your first thought?
  3. If you could hang out with one of the presidents for a day, who would it be?
  4. When was the last time you had an epic faceplant or wipe-out? Spare no details.
  5. If you could create a crazy animal hybrid, what two animals would you join?
  6. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever seen on social media?
  7. If your pet could suddenly talk like the celebrity of your choice, whose voice would they have?
  8. If you were directing a movie about your parents, which actors would you choose to play them?
  9. If could haunt someone like a ghost for a day, whom would you haunt?
  10. If you were reincarnated as a famous person, who would you want to be?
  11. Which is worse — a large zit on your face or seriously bad breath?
  12. What weird food combos do you really enjoy?
  13. Ride on the back of a giant owl or on the back of a dolphin?
  14. What is the worst school lunch you’ve ever had?
  15. If you had to spend a day as a video game character, who would you be?
  16. What’s worse — being constipated or not being able to blow your nose?
  17. If you could choose a famous couple to be part of your family, whom would you choose?
  18. What’s the weirdest thing you and your family have done together?
  19. What’s the funniest place or position you’ve fallen asleep in?
  20. What are the worst ingredients to put in a burrito (or a smoothie)?

Funny Get to Know You Questions for Dating

  1. What would you do if you woke up one morning and could read minds?
  2. If you had to do karaoke, what song would you choose, and would you sing alone or as a duet?
  3. What would you do if someone wrote you a poem and read it in front of everyone?
  4. What’s your favorite way to wake up in the morning when you really don’t want to wake up?
  5. What pick-up line makes you cringe the most?
  6. Would you rather have a personal chef, personal housekeeper, or personal chauffeur?
  7. What would be the worst movie sequel ever?
  8. Have you ever worn clothing with the label still attached? (I mean, who hasn’t?)
  9. What is your weirdest turn-on? Is it something you see, smell, or hear?
  10. What cheesy song do you know all the lyrics to?
  11. What’s something unusual you recommend everyone try at least once?
  12. What’s your worst and your best kitchen creation?
  13. What is the weirdest text you’ve ever gotten?
  14. Would you rather visit a place with dinosaurs or with dragons?
  15. If you could relax in a bathtub filled with anything, what would you choose?
  16. Is it better to have neither superheroes nor supervillains — or to have both?
  17. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten, and did you regret it?
  18. If you could peek through someone’s email without their knowledge, would you?
  19. If you could be a man (or woman) for a day, what would you do first?
  20. What happened on the worst date you’ve ever had?

Did you enjoy these funny get to know you questions?

Now that you’re well-armed with some fun getting to know you questions, I hope you have a few favorites lingering in your mind right now. You never know when the first opportunity will come to use them. Try a few on friends or co-workers if you get the chance. See if it doesn’t help them relax a bit and just enjoy a fun, lighthearted conversation. It could even improve workplace morale. However, you use these questions, though, have fun with them. Use this power to make someone’s day a little better. Learning more about what lights them up inside is a definite bonus. And if one of these conversations should lead to something beautiful, you’ll remember how it all started. May your courage and sense of humor influence everything you do today.

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